About Us
Corporate Social Responsibility: This is our responsibility to the next generation. We will always conceder the interest of society, our impact on people and the world. We are responsible for our impact on the world and society. This responsibility extends to the way we do business, the way we treat the environment, our employees, customers, investors and the communities where we operate.
The Company’s Mission: To promoter healthy eating for people world wide.
The founders of Nuchia Foods Corporation, Homer L. Hartage and Johnson Frantz Fan Fan have a combined 40 years of business experience. They know it is not just experience that counts but, what type experience you have. Both founders base of experience has been in service to people with strong leadership.
We are working to develop the next generation of healthy foods. At Nuchia we strongly believe that Chia Seed naturally produced Omega-3 and Omega-6 will be the foundation for next generation products that are superior in nutritional value, big on taste, easy to consume, and quick satisfying meals.
Four Key Strategies Driving Our Growth
Reliable supplies of Chia Seed has slowed the introduction of Chia Seed naturally produced Omega-3 and Omega-6 products in the pass. Nuchia Foods plans to address growth in the following five ways:
- Structure the organization for growth
- Establish Chia farms around the world through our sister farm brokerage company Flavie Internationale S.A.
- Exploit our sales capabilities
- Product positioning and public education
- Strategic Partnerships
A Commitment to Integrity in Leadership, Business Operations and Legal Compliance
When asked to define integrity some would say, it is difficult to put to words, but they know it when they see it. We believe that the basis of integrity is Trust, and that Trust occurs when you act in such a way that is compatible with what you say and when your actions are consistent with values commonly held by those who depend on you and with whom you interact. Our commitment is ensure compliance with all laws and regulations, to deliver high quality, safe products to create a climate of corporate integrity, to be transparent in business practices, and to always keep our word.
The Nuchia Foods
Code of Conduct for Compliance and Integrity is a key part of our compliance and integrity program. It includes a set of employee policies that cover ethical and legal practices for nearly every aspect of our business. And it focuses on the personal responsibility each employee has to conduct business with honesty and integrity.